The most affordable way for a beginner to get started is to purchase an electronic keyboard. When you’ve acquired some experience and are ready to spend several hundreds of dollars, consider upgrading to at least a digital piano.
An electronic keyboard can be obtained in a wide variety of sizes and prices. They were made to be small synthesizers and come with many different instrument sounds. A downfall of electric keyboards is that they don’t have weighted keys. This helps build hand strength and makes it easier to improve skill level.
Practicing on a keyboard with 88 weighted keys has a huge advantage for the student. Since most electronic keyboards don’t offer this benefit, digital pianos are next in line in terms of price. Just like e-keyboards, you can use headphones with digital pianos to ensure you don’t disturb those around you.
Additionally, they are portable and never need to be tuned. If you are a beginner, you can get a good start learning on any of these pianos. While there are many benefits to electronic or digital pianos, nothing compares to an acoustic one.
Requiring more space and a larger budget, these types of pianos are the best option as they provide sound produced from real strings and wood. Their biggest downfall is the price. Typically, they range anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000 dollars.